I so wish that you consider providing the ability to "Apply Width to all Data Columns" and maybe to Rows as well. This can be just a toggle (checkbox). My current experience was to resize each of the 90-day worth of data and it was not very productive and I had to do this each time a new batch c...
I have many column headings which are quite long. In Excel I can change the text alignment so the column heading runs vertically rather than horizontally. By using a smaller font it can display a lot more information this way. Now that you have added vertical data labelling to charts can we have ...
Text attributes can be 'searched' within report slicers. However, integers cannot. For example, if someone wants to quickly find and slice by a Customer Id, it is very cumbersome right now - lots of scrolling. A simple search by Customer Id (as an integer) within the slicer would make it much fas...
I was all excited today that I was finally able to get images (binary) files loaded into my power query in the Power BI Designer. This took a bit getting around the Privacy settings and bugs, but the latest release of the Power BI Designer made it possible. Unfortunately now that I have the bina...
I would love to have the ability to do reporting against Workday. We leverage it as our global HR platform. It has some really good reporting but it would be nice to have the ability but it would be great to be able to share reporting with SharePoint and Power BI so that we can surface non sensit...
Loving the new bookmarking feature, however working within an organisation where Power BI has just been introduced the majority of our dashboards are pinned reports to dashboard level. It would be AMAZING if the bookmarks (linked to images) worked on the dashboard level. If you can pin an entire...
A report filter with the ability to copy a list of data, be it numerical or text, from an excel document and paste it into a filter allowing for the visualization to update. This would be similar to a Multiple Values - Custom List filter in a competitors visualization software. Real world e...
The ability to annotate a visualization, for example a chart or graph, would make both the dashboard and reports experience more robust.
Which creating Tables in Power BI Reports, there should be ability to Freeze Pane as in Excel. This seems to be a basic Requirement and should have been part of initial Releases. Please add the feature asap.