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Regular Expressions support in Power Query

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Marco on 16 Jul 2015 14:17:27

We think regexp support will help the adoption of the Power Query tool in the most demanding use cases. Many thanks.

Comments (76)
Marco's profile image Profile Picture

Dorin IACOB on 19 Apr 2024 16:09:39

RE: Regular Expressions support in Power Query

Supporting PCRE2 would be a huge improvement of Power Query M capabilities.

Marco's profile image Profile Picture

Josef Jurák on 05 Apr 2024 09:35:22

RE: Regular Expressions support in Power Query

Regular expressions should be supported in Power Query, and generally in Dataflows in Data Factory part of Fabric. Regular expressions is defacto standard and open standard for string transformation. Data Factory is presented as transformation workload, but does not support any advanced text transformation function (except some simple excel-like function). Currently Data Factory is not possible use for transforming text data.

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Perry Valdez on 01 Apr 2024 16:33:09

RE: Regular Expressions support in Power Query

Regular expressions should be supported in Power Query without resorting to hacks or external scripting tools.For starters, the developers behind Power BI/Power Query can implement a regular expression algorithm as described in the following link (NFA-based): Power Query currently stands, it is very limited in parsing text files, especially those not formatted with CSV, JSON, XML and simple character delimiters (spaces, tabs, colons, etc).

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Harikrishnan AK on 31 Oct 2023 16:20:43

RE: Regular Expressions support in Power Query

I am surprised why this doesn't have enough votes yet!

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Dave Roberts on 18 Oct 2023 06:13:26

RE: Regular Expressions support in Power Query

Having RegEx capability is essential for being able to extract/manipulate text efficiently. And available in public libraries so not a huge ask but massive capability increase for text handling

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Artem Fomichev on 11 Oct 2023 10:00:53

RE: Regular Expressions support in Power Query

Please make full RegEx support in Power Query. The current way of using it through (Web.Page function) performs very slow and does not support full regex functionality.

Marco's profile image Profile Picture

Brian C on 01 Aug 2023 22:43:19

RE: Regular Expressions support in Power Query

Only 900+ upvotes in 8 years? Let's all take a moment to consider how many potential users took note of the lack of regexp and dropped the tool as a truly scalable option for SMBs.

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Ash R. on 13 Apr 2023 19:18:17

RE: Regular Expressions support in Power Query

8 years and counting!!

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Shawn Eary on 10 Feb 2023 17:27:30

RE: Regular Expressions support in Power Query

Actually, I think the upvote just took, but the latency was very high.

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Shawn Eary on 10 Feb 2023 17:16:51

RE: Regular Expressions support in Power Query

Why doesn't the vote counter seem to increment when I click the upvote button?If there is some kind of latency or delay, that delay is huge.

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