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Under Review

Support Display Folders for Table Objects

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Lamin Jobe on 13 Dec 2018 00:54:04

Support Display Folders for Table Objects and not just columns

Administrator on 30 Sep 2021 23:09:58

Thanks, we are currently looking at supporting this, no timelines yet though.

Comments (60)
Lamin Jobe's profile image Profile Picture

Van Thuan Nguyen on 25 Jul 2024 16:57:03

RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects

Please consider including the display folder functionality in the upcoming release of Power BI Desktop. This feature would greatly benefit both business users and IT professionals, as it would simplify and streamline our work processes. Thank you.

Lamin Jobe's profile image Profile Picture

Laura Hansen on 18 Jul 2024 19:04:40

RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects

Agreed! When a model has many tables it would be helpful to reduce visual clutter and group them. Or even change the sort order. I ran into a situation where we wanted to name tables business friendly names but there were so many tables users couldn't find the fact table where all the measures were located because alphabetically it was more than half way down the list. For an enterprise reusable model you might have several groups using it for self service analytics grouping tables they could collapse expand groups of tables based on the use case for their analysis.

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Jeremiah Mason on 18 Jul 2024 18:42:17

RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects

Adding this basic functionality would be greatly appreciated!

Lamin Jobe's profile image Profile Picture

Adrian Lock on 17 Jul 2024 14:32:00

RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects

Makes you wonder why all this effort is spent on AI when so many basic functions are not being implemented that people have actually asked for. Microsoft should really be concentrating on what there use based needs

Lamin Jobe's profile image Profile Picture

Muhammad Ali Ghina on 15 Jul 2024 12:49:51

RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects

Surprised to see that such a simple navigation functionality is not already there. Happy to know that this is under review. Its very important as our audience is unable to use the reports effectively due to messed up tables list.

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Eddy Coose on 14 Jun 2024 14:46:16

RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects

I 'm waiting for this functionality. As this is needed ti migrate from IBM Cognos Analytics to Power BI

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Guilherme Salomão on 07 Jun 2024 21:12:01

RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects

Would love that feature too.

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Joana Falcão on 23 May 2024 16:11:28

RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects

This would be very useful to organize tables based on topics on robust datasets. Is there any update on if/when this will be available?

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Marion Jan on 31 Oct 2023 11:29:37

RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects

In addition to the feature described in the title and the comments, it would be amazing if we had full flexibility in organising the columns in folders. For example, we would be able to put field A from table A and field B from table B into the same folder "Folder", without the subfolders "Table A" and "Table B" being displayed.

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Kirankundalikrao Mane on 26 Oct 2023 15:00:04

RE: Support Display Folders for Table Objects

This will help us organise tables and group tables based on functions or themes.

Merged Idea (1)