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Data Model Image (Binary) Support in Reports

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Dan English on 27 Mar 2015 03:48:52

I was all excited today that I was finally able to get images (binary) files loaded into my power query in the Power BI Designer. This took a bit getting around the Privacy settings and bugs, but the latest release of the Power BI Designer made it possible. Unfortunately now that I have the binary data and images available in my model I can't do anything with them:'( I want to use them like I can in Power View for Tile By and Datacards... Help!!!

Comments (37)
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Wesley Lowe on 16 Oct 2023 19:10:13

RE: Data Model Image (Binary) Support in Reports

8 years and this still has not been added. Really disappointing.

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John Turner on 13 Mar 2023 18:21:49

RE: Data Model Image (Binary) Support in Reports

To reiterate from another comment, DataVault methodology uses hash keys, i.e., binary data type as a PK identifier. That PowerBI lacks the ability to relate these binary hash keys as PK columns is a glaring shortcoming of this product and needs to be remedied asap.

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Maria Stramaglia on 04 Mar 2022 07:37:34

RE: Data Model Image (Binary) Support in Reports

Seriously , not yet an option ???

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Scott Mummert on 02 Nov 2021 20:13:46

RE: Data Model Image (Binary) Support in Reports

If you are using DataVault, you really need to use the hash concept which would likle require varbinary for efficient storage.

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Arno Nijhof on 24 Aug 2021 09:49:26

RE: Data Model Image (Binary) Support in Reports

How can we see PowerBI as a state of the art alternative when binary data is still an issue? Fix this!

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Lee Taylor on 05 Apr 2021 14:12:33

RE: Data Model Image (Binary) Support in Reports


PowerBI is not DataVault Friendly. We are using Binary(64) values produced by SQL HashBytes('SHA2_512') as table primary and relational keys. These columns are not allowed for linking in PowerBI. Back to the drawing board.

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Anas Habash on 25 Mar 2021 16:28:33

RE: Data Model Image (Binary) Support in Reports

Seriously , not yet an option ???

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Steven Kienle on 19 Mar 2021 15:33:47

RE: Data Model Image (Binary) Support in Reports

This is really critical for image blobs. I have a case where employee pictures are stored in a database and I cannot use these on dashboard, which is just plain brain dead.

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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:46

RE: Data Model Image (Binary) Support in Reports

This would be very nice in power bi

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Азамат Садыков on 06 Jul 2020 00:06:22

RE: Data Model Image (Binary) Support in Reports

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