Grouping Fields into dimensions and measures will allow for quickly locating the fields and helps design reports faster, rather than searching the long list of fields.
I'd like to be able to create reusable functions in DAX, instead of using the same DAX code in multiple measures. Example: I have some complicated DAX code, which calculates the no of working seconds between two date-times. This excludes holidays, weekends, and only counts seconds from the start...
We need to be able to label specific data points with dynamically generated values (including text). Use cases include: * Labeling the first or last point of line charts with values * Labeling the last point of series in a line chart with the series name, to directly inform the user which...
Column visibility , depends on the criteria there should be an option to show/hide column on table.
As drillthrough function we use a filter and we give value for it from other report page. I click back-button and it will take me back to where I was before. In the background filter value stays unchanged. I use drillthrough function again. Filter value changes and I see visuals filtered with tha...
The ability to display and create Filled Maps (choropleth) using the native SQL Server geometry/geography data types is a must to allow for meaningful geospatial visualization. e.g. Visualize crimes by police beat.
Power BI desparately needs to support: Synchronised Drill down across multiple charts with the same hierarchy on the same page (or across the report) It is extremely annoying, if I have seveal graphs, to have to drill down or up on each of them individually. A feature that allows you to synchro...
New report page tooltip preview feature in the March update is great. Would be nice if we had the option of adding this tooltip to visuals that previously didn't have a tooltip. For example, I have a card visual. I'd like users to get one of these mini report pages pop-up when they hover over i...
To address the limitations of our current slicers, which are less advanced and potentially confusing compared to our competitors, a new and enhanced list and dropdown slicer should be designed with a wider range of customization options, incorporating industry best practices, and include innov...
Now when we export data from matrix visual in PBI Desktop to an Excel file - the 'Total' row does not get exported to Excel though that is visible in PBI Desktop. Please fix it.