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Measure-driven DataLabels

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Jeffrey Weir on 27 Nov 2019 09:55:44

We need to be able to label specific data points with dynamically generated values (including text). Use cases include:
* Labeling the first or last point of line charts with values
* Labeling the last point of series in a line chart with the series name, to directly inform the user which series is which, rather than have them constantly move their eyes between a legend and the many series on a graph.
* Labeling particular values of interest, to aid storytelling.

These things are bulk-standard features of good dashboard design, and are essential in order to design optimal user-friendly dashboards with low cognitive burden.

Gotta say that humble ol' Excel is streets ahead of Power BI in regards to data labeling.

Note that measure-driven tooltips are NOT a substitute for this feature. We need ways to draw the users' attention to particular points or features without relying on mouse-over.

Comments (22)
Jeffrey Weir's profile image Profile Picture

Robert Hawke on 28 Apr 2022 03:44:22

RE: Measure-driven DataLabels

There is a workaround via Calculation Groups. It is not as nice as what we would want (e.g. a simple Measure to select as datalabels) but it does work. Only downside is, you cannot do any line breaksHere is a great video explaining how it works ...

Jeffrey Weir's profile image Profile Picture

Noah Hadro on 15 Oct 2021 15:23:40

RE: Measure-driven DataLabels

Yes, this is desperately needed. The same concept that you did with "Dynamic titles". Please make this possible for "Dynamic Data Labels" using a measure. For example. I have bar chart with 2 bars and one of the bar values is 10% and the other is 60%. But I want the label showing to be 10/100 and 60/1000. So I would use a measure to show this labels.

Jeffrey Weir's profile image Profile Picture

on 30 Sep 2021 21:25:31

RE: Measure-driven DataLabels

As it stand now, it's quite tedious to set up a linegraph to only show the data label for the latest datapoint. 
I thought It could a nice idea to have this included with the "Label density" option provided, where setting its value to 1% will achieve this.

Jeffrey Weir's profile image Profile Picture

on 30 Sep 2021 21:25:30

RE: Measure-driven DataLabels

I have a scatter plot with many nodes grouped in an area that I want to ignore, for the remaining nodes that are spread about I want to see their labels. It would be great to have some conditional formatting that could use a field in the data to control the visibility of the label.

For line graphs it would be good to use the same approach to only show the labels on the first and last points of a line.

Jeffrey Weir's profile image Profile Picture

on 30 Sep 2021 21:25:19

RE: Measure-driven DataLabels

Ability to choose to show data labels on only first or last point in combo chart or line chart

Jeffrey Weir's profile image Profile Picture

on 30 Sep 2021 21:25:18

RE: Measure-driven DataLabels

Ribbon charts with many series would be easier to interpret if the name of each series was displayed on either end of the ribbon. It would be nice to have the option of displaying the start and finish rank as well in this label e.g. if the "rabbit" series changed in rank from 5 to 4 I would like to show Rabbit (5) label on the left of the ribbon and Rabbit (4) on the right of the ribbon.

Jeffrey Weir's profile image Profile Picture

on 30 Sep 2021 21:25:18

RE: Measure-driven DataLabels

Easier option to add the last data label and/or the first data label from a graph. At this moment there is no easy option available instead I need to use space to have the visualization card boxes for each of the 4 lines in the graph. I would like that Power Bi would have easier options to only show either or both of the first and the last data option. 

Jeffrey Weir's profile image Profile Picture

on 30 Sep 2021 21:25:18

RE: Measure-driven DataLabels

currently, when selecting data labels in line chart, there is no option to show the latest value only. we need this. tableau does exactly this (

Jeffrey Weir's profile image Profile Picture

Akhil Ashok on 07 Sep 2021 09:00:11

RE: Measure-driven DataLabels

Would be very cool to have measure driven data label. A simple scenario is with Total Labels for example, doesn't support non-additive measures - it simply sums up the values. It would be very nice if we can customize what is shown in data labels using measures.

Jeffrey Weir's profile image Profile Picture

Ben Moore on 16 Aug 2021 14:10:06

RE: Measure-driven DataLabels

Yes!!! We have needed this for a long time!

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