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Under Review

Report page tooltip on all objects

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Jack Wells on 09 Mar 2018 00:32:20

New report page tooltip preview feature in the March update is great.

Would be nice if we had the option of adding this tooltip to visuals that previously didn't have a tooltip.

For example, I have a card visual. I'd like users to get one of these mini report pages pop-up when they hover over it but as this visual doesn't have a tooltip it can't be used.

Would be great if we can do this on other things like shapes and text boxes as well.

Administrator on 08 Mar 2019 01:25:51

Since the initial release, we added support for table, matrix, and cards. I'll leave this idea open for now since there are some requests for shapes, textboxes, and buttons, but it would be helpful if people can comment on their use cases for report page tooltips on these non-visual report elements.

Comments (41)
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Kevin Havice on 28 Feb 2024 23:30:43

RE: Report page tooltip on all objects

We want an info button on a given report page X, which a user can "hover over" to get a report page tooltip that shows more contextual information. (Like a glossary of the terms found on that page X, and metadata about the freshness of the data in page X.)

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Kristin Freeborn on 19 Jan 2024 17:37:00

RE: Report page tooltip on all objects

Use case: The ability to turn off the Gantt default tooltip and use the Report Page tooltip.Ability to use Report Page tooltips on the Gantt visual published by Microsoft. I don't like to use visuals created by other publishers for security reasons. And the tooltip in the Gantt makes that visual almost unusable. It confuses my audience because we can't edit or modify the labels for the first 4 tips. The ability to turn off the Gantt default tooltip and replace with Report Page tooltip would be a game changer for using that visual. (The need for this is also due to a work around I use to reduce the Gantt timetable, the start date showing by default in the tooltip is a modified date I use as a work around to not be able to select the time frame displayed by the Gantt. Since I can't turn the tooltip off, modify the tip or modify the label of that tip it causes confusion.)

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Jenny Ha on 21 Jul 2023 15:32:24

RE: Report page tooltip on all objects

Use Case: Info Button with link to an detailed description, on hover a small Tooltip Page shows the most relevant infos. The user can then decide if this was enough help or if he wants to click the button and be directed to more info.

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Lucianna Floriano Goncalves on 23 Feb 2023 16:13:27

RE: Report page tooltip on all objects

A use case for using a "report page tooltip" in buttons, for example, is that when an end-user hover over the button, it shows a .gif element where they can see how to navigate through the report.

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Herbert Majuba on 21 Jun 2022 12:56:18

RE: Report page tooltip on all objects

Pretty please

Jack Wells's profile image Profile Picture

on 10 Feb 2022 21:52:14

RE: Report page tooltip on all objects

Provide the option for tooltips on ALL visuals. I would like to add tooltips to a card visual in my project.

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Vaso Tsichli on 25 Jan 2022 13:54:08

RE: Report page tooltip on all objects

Our reports tend to have a lot of slicers, so to get us some space I build a slicer pane. I also implemented a measure which shows which filters are used. If I use this measure as a tooltip, I cannot format it and it is quite small for my users to see it. If I can use a report page tooltip then I can display the measure in a card, and format it as I would like.Thank you for looking into this.

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Kieran Leigh on 26 Aug 2021 14:54:53

RE: Report page tooltip on all objects

I have a tab that appears underneath the page header to show when a synced slicer is active. Since a typical case would be to select a few items from a long list, I wanted to add a tooltip card to the notice listing the actually selected items. This would avoid scrolling around the list and potentially missing something. If shapes supported tooltip pages, I could do this with just the shape. At the moment, I have to use a card placed on top of the shape. 

In another case, I had a visual that I was happy with, but some extra numbers may have helped to provide context. I didn't want to clutter the screen by adding all of them to the main visual. I wanted to add a shape with a tooltip that would provide the numbers if needed.

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VIVEK D on 27 Oct 2020 20:01:48

RE: Report page tooltip on all objects

Like most of the recent comments have indicated, it is quite annoying to have the Report Page Tooltips appear on hover as you keep moving your mouse around, especially in table/matrix visuals.
Would be nice to have a way to make it appear on click of a dedicated column that has a little icon instead.

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Ben Lay on 16 Aug 2020 04:09:49

RE: Report page tooltip on all objects

Every visual (including slicers) should have the ability to have a tooltip added with general text to be able to help describe what the visual is for.

Merged Idea (1)