The Power BI Analysis Services Connector should support changing the connection string, so we can add special parameters (such as changing the language).
I'd love to be able to link to Trello and be able to spin my cards in various ways. See number of open cards, number of cards assigned to members, etc.
I imagine this is going to be included within the ability to edit connections, but I would like the ability to edit an existing query or add a new one from within Power BI. Another option would be to overwrite an existing spreadsheet with one including the new queries, though conflicts might get ...
For the dataflows configured with an incremental refresh, allow refresh of partitions not part of refresh through XMLA endpoint similar to Dataset partitions. Without this feature, we've to remove incremental policy on the dataflows and do a ful refresh.
today you can not send email remainders (subscribe) pages that are hidden. sometimes you hide pages so you can access them through bookmark but you don't want them to show in the general view. but you want to send reminders based on this hidden report structure
Right now if you link an entity to a dataflow in a different workspace, it does not auto-refresh like a linked entity in the same workspace. While this could be advantageous in some situation (for example linking to live data and using the linked dataflow to make "official" snapshots), it could a...
Allow users to highlight entire rows in a table based on a specific text. Example: Highlighting Apple Inc. in a table with a list of company names, sales, and units. Or highlighting the rows for all of Apple Inc.'s products in a list of items, sales, and units.
Refreshing data sources seems to be an "all or none" decision in Power BI Desktop. My current data source has transactions for the last few years, and includes more than 2 million rows of data. It takes several minutes to have that refreshed, when I really just needed to add the 3,000 rows from...