Power BI Designer saves a local PBIX file, which can be a file to export data and data model – in other words, it’s a format that contains a complete semantic model. All the applications that today export data in several formats (CSV, Excel, XML), might provide a richer semantic model exporting a...
This is a repost of my idea that was closed as completed, but the 'relative date slicer doesn't allow any of the described request hence my idea is not implemented.... The new date slicer is awesome, but it would be so nice if you could set a dynamic date selection instead of a static. With a st...
A column/bar chart with both clustered and stacked features (stacked clustered bar/column chart). http://www.originlab.com/doc/en/Tutorial/images/Clustered-Stacked_Column_Chart/Clustered-Stacked_Column_Chart.png
When I choose the option to show the subtotals at the bottom, I expect to see the attribute name there as well and not just on top. This is especially crucial for financial statements, like shown here: https://wp.me/p6lgsG-YC An option to toggle between showing attributes at the bottom only or ...
If you have long names on a bar chart Y-Axis they get truncated. This is a problem if you have ones that start with something similar. Could we have a word wrap option on the format menu that takes advantage of the vertical space so the whole label can be shown.
With the June Desktop update, we now support updating your chart fonts to any of the fonts we currently support for textboxes. Learn more in our blog: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-bi-desktop-june-feature-summary/#fonts We will be working on allowing you to use your custom installed fonts as well in a future release.
Add a column data profile histogram in the data view for every column in Power BI Desktop. This handy feature exists in Power Query (sometimes only on sampled data). Add this feature to Power BI Desktop as well, please.
It would be great if Grand Totals on a Matrix or Table would add up correctly to the sum of the rows when you include MEASURES in the visual. Currently the total on a measure consists of the measure function itself, instead of the sum of the rows above. PLEASE give us the option to toggle totals ...
Moving this idea to "under review" to mark that discussions are underway. For full transparency, we have started working on DAX calculations at the visual level. That feature will make changes that will serve as building blocks for other features, including but not limited to the one discussed in this idea: providing more flexibility for influencing what is shown on the total: the visual total, the "DAX" total, or another expression altogether.
Hence, the delivery of this Idea will be dependent on the DAX-calculations-on-a-visual feature.
Develop an item formatting property which allows to set the visibility of a report item when you want to conditionally hide the item based on a report parameter or some other expression that you specify (also DAX expressions). You can develop this incrementally starting from visuals, then text b...
It would be very useful if Power BI allow to export charts directly to excel without lose the format. Exporting just like values with format.
Hi everyone. There are some really interesting ideas in this thread, thanks for your vocal support about it! We'll consider it for the future along with other suggestions and plans. Thanks!