SPC Control charts should be one of the available visualizations
Create multiple data sources for the same database but using multiple credentials. Allow access to different schemas from same gateway.
Allow user to toggle a Stacked (Bar or Column) between 100% Stacked or Stacked. Users can then choose themselves if they want to see the volumes or percentages. This choice could simply be added to the ellipsis menu on the chart.
There shouldn't be a requirement for a Pro license to simply view data in a dashboard. One can view data without a special license level in Excel, so I don't understand the need for it in Power BI.
Currently the on-premises gateway opens more Oracle connections that we have license for.
I would like to customize report to our colours and fonts. I have to set this same parameters on every chart. Could you make something where I could set default font, size, 10 colours? This changes take a lot of time.
I think it's an strategy error by Microsoft that the Users that's have no PRO license can't view the dashboards and reports than was created for them once or twice at month. If we need to upgrade many Users to PRO license, maybe we'll use other tools if we need to pay to see our dashboards or rep...
Allow for separate grouping of measures. Measures could be grouped in their own category instead of within tables. This makes it easier to track measures, specifically when they involve cross-table calculations.
Creating this Idea as a placeholder to ensure notification when its complete :-) Taken from the Apps Introduction Blog Post https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/distribute-to-large-audiences-with-power-bi-apps/ During the preview, end users can install apps by clicking the link or visiting ...
For our corporate reporting purposes we need you to implement an option for choosing ”ALL” in a “Slicer” filter in Power BI. Practical clarification: select all is possible within Page level filter, visual level filter but the issue is when we need to select all vouchers for a specific account an...