Add the ability for the legend to wrap if there are too many categories to fit within the width or height of the visual.
When trying to create a dynamic slicer to always default to a "current" date value (such as date/month/quarter/yearetc.), the current solution for this is to create a calculated column against the date value that looks up if it is in the current state. Then, you add a text field to this column...
It would be handy if you could see, in a condensed overview in the details pane of a metric, the status (colors and/or value) of its 1st level submetrics. Would be handy for those metrics where the submetrics cannot be aggregated to have a condensed high-level overview.
Add the [Identity Claims Hash] field in the artifact entity.
Are there any plans on being able to save created Datamart SQL queries from pulled data as tables/views? This would be an awesome feature to include within Power BI Datamart. This would give developers access to do the initial pull with power query and do ...
Can we have a table height auto adjusted to page height based on the number records in the table. I kind of liked the auto scrollbar feature but at times users are getting confused with a fixed height and cant see the bottom data when the upper table has white space in the screen.
As is described in the documentation, this is not supported. Many customers are reporting the need of using SSO with dataflows. This will let the customers deploy SSO based enterprise dataflows.Currently the customer can workaround using a service account, but there are some ...
From PowerBi be able to execute a Power Automate in an environment that we choose (With a dropdown for example).Right now it is only possible with the default environment.
We are missing metadata in results of the Power BI scanning API. Currently the API does not expose metadata about Power BI artifacts in the report, such as PBI Visuals, calculated measures/columns, filters & etc. For us this means we cannot automatically populate our data catalog with informat...
Enable charts to house a DAX measure returning true or false, and the chart will only calculate if it is true.This is helpful to speed up performance when using large data (e.g., only calculate table if fewer than 100 customers selected) or purpose-driven interfaces (e.g., on...