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Email Subscription Snapshots Image Quality and Size

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on 2018-07-04 17:47:21

The email subscription feature is great where the user will get the snapshot of the dashboard/report in the email.

However, I noticed that the image is low quality and appear small in the email content. It will be great if the user is allow set the preferences on the image quality and size in the email content.

Currently, it's too small and low quality to be really useful, and this is a frequent requests from many of my customers. Though I tell them that it's supported but they are let down later by the usefulness of it due to the size and quality.


Administrator on 5/24/2023 4:54:49 PM

We're happy to announce that we have enhanced the resolution of email subscription snapshots! You can now enjoy higher resolution snapshots for your email subscriptions to both Power BI reports and paginated reports.

Comments (37) Merged Idea (6)
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Eric's profile image

Eric on 2018-08-24 20:30:53

Power BI

Email Subscriptions - Very Poor Image Quality

We are seeing extremely poor quality images within the email and the attachments for Report subscriptions coming from the Power BI Service. The image quality is so poor that it frustrates and disappoints our executive audience so much that we will not use the subscription option until we have ...

Vote 11
Laz's profile image

Laz on 2018-09-10 21:30:53

Power BI

PBI Reports by Subscription - Very Low Quality

This is a much needed change in Power BI, as the way the subscription works now, make the subscription unusable. The quality of the report attached in the email (.PNG) is not focused/sharp. Apart from that, when using some visuals such as the 'KPI' visual, it completely removes the Goal & Varian...

Vote 6
Jaro's profile image

Jaro on 2018-08-06 22:51:25

Power BI

subscribe reports need to be higher quality

The PNG just isn't enough, and having to go to the website isn't ideal. At least a higher quality picture would be good, but a PDF would probalby make more sense. better controls of which reports come to an email. Also had issues with complex report showing rendered even though they do on the ...

Vote 19
Philipp Johannis's profile image

Philipp Johannis on 2018-05-24 19:01:53

Power BI

Configurable Display Size of Images in Subscriptions

It would be great if there is an option to configure the image size of a report or dashboard in the subscription. I currently face the issue that the image gets scaled down and it's not readable anymore.

Vote 26
Vtro's profile image

Vtro on 2018-05-22 17:59:35

Power BI

Subscription Emails Higher Resolution Charts

Subscription emails embed the view of the dashboard inside, but the pictures and or charts are low resolution and the emails have to be enlarged to make out any data and or detail in the chart with additional quality loss. Please allow for the increase and or larger resolution of the charts, ta...

Vote 5
jj's profile image

jj on 2018-10-24 16:11:18

Power BI

Native resolution of report snapshots in subscription emails

Currently the resolution of the snapshots sent out via email for the subscribed reports is extremely low and useless for the majority of our reports. The snapshot should be sent at the native resolution of the report, i.e. if a report page size is set to 1280 x 720 pixels, the snapshot should als...
