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Textbox vertical alignment

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AlexGorbunov on 13 Mar 2019 05:07:45

It will be nice to align the text vertically in the Textbox. You can do it now only by adjusting the font size and the height of the Textbox.

Comments (68)
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Ethan Dupuis on 13 Jun 2024 17:58:40

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Pretty crazy that this isn't a basic feature of the software. If I write the 3 lines of code for you, can you just push it to production?

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Beau Seymour on 05 Jun 2024 06:03:33

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Sod 'nice', it is a fucking bare minimum requirement that should be a line of CSS to fix.

AlexGorbunov's profile image Profile Picture

Heather Geiser on 25 Apr 2024 18:16:42

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Please address this. Vertical alignment of all text/headers should be activated.

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Alex Butterworth on 16 Apr 2024 07:09:46

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

How is this still not a feature after 5 years of people asking for it? Do we need to go back to Excel for our company reporting, because it can handle this simple task

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Raylene Ames on 15 Apr 2024 16:10:09

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

need this for matrix/tables!

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Fernando Santafe on 11 Apr 2024 11:41:25

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Absolutely necessary to have in Matrix/Table visualizations.

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Erin Nuechterlein on 28 Mar 2024 16:14:50

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Could really use this functionality, basic ability to do so in other Microsoft products and other BI tools.

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Mitch Alves on 13 Feb 2024 20:04:47

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Basic functionality that should have been out of the box, disapointing...

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Richy Palmer on 29 Dec 2023 16:23:29

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Please implement this for table/matrix visuals.

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James King on 20 Dec 2023 11:48:27

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Wow came here from Google thinking this would be an easy solution, and here I am requesting features that seem basic?