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Textbox vertical alignment

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AlexGorbunov's profile image

AlexGorbunov on 13 Mar 2019 05:07:45

It will be nice to align the text vertically in the Textbox. You can do it now only by adjusting the font size and the height of the Textbox.

Comments (68)
AlexGorbunov's profile image Profile Picture

Andrea Catalucci on 05 Nov 2023 02:31:33

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

this needs to be implemented, especially for values in the Matrix visual.please Microsoft, it's about time!

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Lana Sushko on 18 Oct 2023 20:52:11

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Such a basic feature yet still unavailable in 2023...Disappointing to say the least

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Gagan Yadav on 15 Oct 2023 22:12:38

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

It is such an important feature. I am surprised Microsoft hasn't implemented as yet. Please bring it soon. Many thanks.

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Martin Garsic on 27 Sep 2023 16:08:46

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

We really could use this feature, come on Microsoft!

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Charlene Davis on 10 Aug 2023 14:54:49

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

It may seem like not big deal to Microsoft but is frustrating to report designers

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Bernardo da Silva Davila Rufino on 07 Aug 2023 13:23:17

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Incredible how such a important feature for data visualization is not yet implemented...

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Matt Sirasky on 27 Jul 2023 17:15:52

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

It's this type of feature (lacking in Power BI) that puts Power BI behind their competitors when comparing products on the look and feel for end users. Seem like a simple change. People have been asking for this for years. And still....nothing.

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Andrea Catalucci on 02 Jul 2023 19:04:58

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

please, allow setting vertical alignment in Matrix can do it for icons with conditional logic, but not with the actual values.

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Megan Tiedtke on 06 Apr 2023 14:51:36

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

I second the ability to change to vertical in the table and/or matrix visuals

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Thomas Garvin on 03 Apr 2023 18:04:36

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

My vote applies to vertical alignment in tables and matrices. This is especially important when you have small images in a column.