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Textbox vertical alignment

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AlexGorbunov's profile image

AlexGorbunov on 13 Mar 2019 05:07:45

It will be nice to align the text vertically in the Textbox. You can do it now only by adjusting the font size and the height of the Textbox.

Comments (68)
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Luke Garton on 24 Aug 2021 00:58:21

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Needed this basic ability today - surprised it isnt there! 

AlexGorbunov's profile image Profile Picture

Anne Ani2705 on 14 Jul 2021 08:35:17

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Need the possibility to align column headers vertically, please fix it!

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Ronan Gimenes on 10 Jun 2021 18:12:51

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Still waiting this basic feature in june 2021.

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Vamshi Priya Gunti on 07 Jun 2021 22:55:28

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Create a column -
UNICHAR(127) & UNICHAR(10) & [yourColumn]

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George Anderson on 25 Mar 2021 01:51:58

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Add this in please! Ahhh!

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Benjamin Dains on 09 Mar 2021 16:27:55

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Please please please add this feature. The reports look amazing as it is, and it's a great tool, this isn't a large feature and would be easy to implement!

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Marco Turolla on 01 Feb 2021 07:36:30

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

please add this usefull function

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Darrel Fontenot on 04 Dec 2020 17:19:32

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

Echo the need for same functionality in other visuals (Matrix/Table/etc...)

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Lukas Power BI User on 11 Nov 2020 18:38:39

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

This would be a great feature. Just a pity that it is not in here yet.

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Siddharth Malani on 30 Sep 2020 09:36:00

RE: Textbox vertical alignment

So many basic features like this are missing from a table/matrix visual. Like vertical align text, bold column text, etc.