Right now we're only able to tell the list of users of each App. But we aren't able to tell who has access to the Audiences.There might be sensitivie reports that aren't shared in some audiences. It might be important to know who has access to them and be able to create excep...
Would be really helpful if we had a simple flag to identify if a field or measure is used anywhere in the reportImage as per this tweet: <a href="https://twitter.com/wynhopkins/status/1499636190320132097?s=20&t=Z-Gis9AGB6e9WnT9KU4vpg" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank...
Matrix currently doesn't allow you to sort the columns based on designating values as being a priority above the column field names I want to put the values above the column header. In the first row (of the column headers) the measures I've created, then all the months for each measure. In this ...
A definite need to have the option to export reports to PDF individually based on all the values or filters in a dimension. For example, if the Dimension "COUNTRY" is a filter, then we would need all countries in that filter to be exported as individual reports. Example; [South Africa, India, USA...
It's often hard to deal with the single formula bar in the data view or even the report view (when creating ad-hoc DAX measures/ calculated columns). It would be nice to have a new view designed to help debug DAX formulas similar in functionality to what has been done in daxstudio. I don't like h...
I would like to group like measures and columns together. With a large database I may have up to a hundred measures and 20 columns and it would be easier to put them into groups like Product Data, Ranking, $ Volume, etc...
It would be good to be able to create multiple / separate reports in the same designer file, utilsing the same data. Currently they publish as one file, meaning that to have any as a separate report, you need to duplicate your designer file, creating double the work when having to add new dataset...
Current-state we cannot download a pbix that has been modified via the XMLA endpoint. That means we are then forced to use only the service-based editor from that point forward for any report where we take advantage of this great capability. Please enable the option to download as pbix even if ...
At the moment, the area under a line in a stacked area chart uses the color of the line but presents it with a level of transparency. This means that the fill color doesn't match to the color presented in the key. Ideally, it would be good to be able to customize the level of transparency of the ...
Ability to display values in a scatter plot. Today you can only select the series name (details). I think would be good to have the name and the value (size) or other parameters of the bubble.