Please extend Dataflows and ML capabilities to Free users (of course limiting the processing power/storage). This would be great for learning purposes and would also help a lot in making these PBI tools more popular and increase the adoption.
Currently only scheduled refreshes are possible. Please enable DirectQuery for Postgres in Enterprise and Personal Gateways so we can leverage Postgres db's running on Azure. Thank you.
Interacting on the Dashboard itself. Currently the dashboard drills through to the report. I would like to interact with the dashboard.
It would be great if we could use the selected items in Excel slicers as a data source for Power Query. This would make it easy to use slicers as a way for users to select values to be used as parameters for other Power Query queries.
We dont want our users to push all kind of data in to Power BI. With "my workspaces" this leads to this kind of situvation as we cannot control, where as when we steer this via "Group workspace" we could build an central solution where users can request creation of "Group Workspace" with clear da...
Currently publishing to web doesn't support R visuals. It is very essential otherwise what is the value of R scripts if I am not able to publish It.
When creating a (horizontal) bar chart, often the space allocated for the axis (Y Axis: category or series) is not wide enough if the names are long. There should be an override setting in the Format page to adjust one way or the other. Also, there is the ability to place the labels on the RIGHT...
I create a query in Power BI Desktop against a data source. Power BI Desktop insists on executing it multiple (usually three) times. This makes Desktop slow and for back-end data sources exerts additional load that can also incur additional costs. Note: I am not talking about the scenario whe...
Since publishing can take up to 10 minutes depending on the size of the file and upload speed, it would be nice to have a progress bar with an ETA so users don't cancel out of it because they don't see any progress.
Enable and improve the hotkeys in Power BI. This would enable a much better user experience and accessibility. For example, [Control] + [Page Up] should send you to the next page. Another helpful Excel hotkey is to move charts pixel by pixel with the arrow keys. Finally the current Power BI h...
Keyboard shortcuts exist today in Power BI Desktop, additional improvements planned for accessibility -