The community has been screaming for this feature for years now. An ability to automatically cycle through report tabs. You've already created bookmarks and implemented what you call a 'slideshow' - yet no functionality to automatically go through those bookmarks. How difficult could that poss...
Add the functionality to the slicer to select a single date from slicer
Would like to be able to set a folder as a favourite in Report Server.
Add Fiscal Year and Month as part of Date Hierarchy (Fiscal Year and Month should be set as part of Desktop options).
Reversing of axis in line chart or any that kind of chart
Hello, Is is possible to hide columns in a matrix when drillingdown? For example, budget is only available on month level but not on transaction level. Is it possible to hide the budget column when user drills down to transaction level?
It would be awesome to be able to link a slicer selection to a specific bookmark. For example, a slicer is showing “Product” or “Country” and by selecting “Product”, the “Product” Bookmark will be displayed showing tables and charts with products on rows or axis. By selecting “Country”, the Count...
Table of contents is essential in a big report. I want the user to be able to navigate easily from a table of contents page.
I would find it very useful if there was an ability to scroll through two separate visualisations at once. For example if I had 2 tables both containing customer information, I would like to be able to sort by customer and scroll through both tables simultaneously. This cannot always be achieved ...