Vegard on 01 Dec 2017 17:17:04
Table of contents is essential in a big report. I want the user to be able to navigate easily from a table of contents page.
- Comments (5)
RE: table of content
If you just want to give users a set of clickable buttons for each page, the new Page Navigator (found under Insert > Buttons > Navigator) will suffice. You can also add a Back button from the same menu, though on report pages I prefer to make something clickable have a page navigation to the welcome screen.If you want to use a table visual for the navigation [e.g. showing record volume per page], currently the only possibility seems to be adding a web URL as a cell element. This would require publishing your report, finding the URLs for each page, then storing those somewhere.There is an idea to add all actions to a table cell:Microsoft Idea ( would enable conditional page navigation as is possible on buttons, which would only mean knowing the tab name, and generally provide a better experience. There are a number of ideas for various improvements to the page navigator visual, so be sure to give those a vote if the current one does not meet your needs.
RE: table of content
If you could implement this easier than Jasper Studio, that would be a big win
RE: table of content
Extremely useful for easy navigation to users. Wonder why there are not many votes /comments for such an important feature
RE: table of content
This should be an easy fix, you clearly have something in the background to Sync Slicers that gets the page name and connection, should be able to use the same coding. Today I have a report that is 28 pages with 28 bookmarks and it's a pain in the ass to update these every month.
RE: table of content
Also need this. A table of contents page to navigate quickly to pages, and also a return button that is visible in the ribbon to take you back to the contents page. Navigating tabs is not a rich experience as in Excel.