In Power BI gateway we have available features to add and remove connection; but we do not have anything like enable/disable. However a feature to be able to disable connection will be helpful when resetting/changing password in a connection. Or sometime we want to hold a particular database to b...
When setting a page background or wallpaper, it has to be done for each page in the report. If you change the color or image, you have to change it on each page. It would be helpful if there was an option to set the background or wallpaper and have it apply to all pages.
It would be good life Microsoft would provided a list of changes in the PowerBI Desktop
At this moment, if I'm not mistaken, it is possible to drillthrough only for one row of a table/matrix. It would be useful have the able to select several rows of a table/matrix with ctrl + click, and than, with right click on one of these, make drillthrough of all the rows selected.
A system property to turn off commenting functionality within Power BI Report Server. Similar to ShowDownloadMenu=False. With over 1000 users connecting to our PBIRS instance commenting functionality is unworkable at a per report level.
We use the KPI visual to compare several current year KPI to last year's. Last year numbers always appear as Goal which is misleading and if we can customize this text would be very helpful.
Idea: Service Tags for PowerBI. Issue: PowerBI Data Gateway is installed on Azure Server OutBound Security Rule needs to be setup on Server every time new server is set up creating manual work, for setting up outbound ports and IP address. Also Microsoft Azure Datacenter IP list is updated weekl...
Relative Date Filter additional options I use the relative date feature in both the slicer and the filters section and it's great. I would suggest adding an option of greater than. You can do less than ("is in the last") but you can not do more than ("not in the last") For example show date...
I can't believe this is still an issue. But the inability to zoom in or out during work at Power BI desktop is a MAJOR flaw
Add the ability to insert a video, GIF, or embedded HTML from a file or URL, just like you can insert a picture.