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Relative date

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Stephen Potter on 07 May 2018 23:12:42

Relative Date Filter additional options

I use the relative date feature in both the slicer and the filters section and it's great. I would suggest adding an option of greater than. You can do less than ("is in the last") but you can not do more than ("not in the last")

For example show dates greater than 30 days old relative to todays date.

Comments (5)
Stephen Potter's profile image Profile Picture

Josef Jurák on 07 Jul 2023 08:08:01

RE: Relative date

It can be solved by Anchor date settings, you can set custom anchor date (e.g. before 30day) and select all greater then. But there is issue Anchor date is there but unfinished, currently there not possible add calculated (fx) value, but only fixed value, which making this settins nonsense.There new idea addressing this and one more issue with relative date filter/slicer, please vote also here:

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Poul Jorgensen on 22 Apr 2023 07:49:38

RE: Relative date

An option to not include today is an absolute must. Example: Last 2 days is not today and yesterday, but yesterday and the day before.Add the ability to handle weeks (Calendar) like a lot of countries do. That is: The week is not necessarily starting Sunday !!! So basically add an option to specify the week start weekday name.

Stephen Potter's profile image Profile Picture

Drew on 06 Jul 2020 00:11:08

RE: Relative date

I agree with this completely. I frequently need to filter "today". When you use the relative filter for "Is in the last" X months, you can uncheck the "include today". So typically, my workaround is to add a filter for "is in the last 100 months" and uncheck the "include today" option. But it would be much easier to just have an option to set "not in the last 1 day".

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fuqoff on 06 Jul 2020 00:07:28

RE: Relative date

yeah, make this. Seems obvious.

Stephen Potter's profile image Profile Picture

Steve Potter on 05 Jul 2020 23:30:28

RE: Relative date

I also have been trying to get this feature added to relative date filters. It should be a really simple add "is not in the last", "is not in the next".