It would be nice if we could set the data type in the Add Custom Column dialog box for the function we are writing insetead of having to do it manually in the formula bar, or adding an extra step to do it in the Applied Steps. For example: Table.AddColumn(#"Added Credits", "CalcEndBalance", each...
Allow adding legend to table view and matrix view. The legend could be a dimension, calculated columns, or a measure. For dimensions and calculated columns, allow discrete colors. For measures, allow gradient colors.
HTML tags are automatically coming in with my data from SurveyGizmo. Please add the functionality to automaticaly purge it from the Fields.
Cannot use Quick Insights in a Data Model with RLS Roles I have a Data Model with 4 Roles setup for Row Level Security (RLS). When I load it to the Service, Quick Insights is not available. If I remove the roles and re-upload the file, then Quick Insights is automatically enabled.
As a Power BI user, I want the ability to publish templates only to the cloud and have the auto refresh take care of filling in the data so that I don't have to wait hours every time I publish my yuge datasets
It would be nice to have a play axis on the maps like we have on the scatter charts. Sometimes a trend can be identified on a map by seeing a time lapse of data points.
We need an ability to use measures for data labels and titles. So for example we will be able to create a chart and a currency filter, so with checking different currency we will see our money in different ways and the labels should automatically change with this too.
Currently the EXASOL analytic database can be connected only via ODBC. It would be great to have a dedicated DirectQuery connector to fully exploit the power of an EXASOL cluster
Drill Down Functionality : While drill downing user dont know about value of upper slice (from where he\she came), PLease add top legend that display value like Total Sales-->2015-->July-->India(Country). SO user can know about top value from where he came by doing drill down.
Draw a polygon over the visual (e.g. scatterplot) and filter other visuals (or data exports) by the selection