Add Incremental Updates to Enterprise Gateway
As a pro user, I want the enterprise gateway to support increment updates so that my yuge datasets be updated quickly and more efficiently.
Be able to publish Power BI Desktop Template to the Cloud without Data
As a Power BI user, I want the ability to publish templates only to the cloud and have the auto refresh take care of filling in the data so that I don't have to wait hours every time I publish my yuge datasets
To be able to update datasets with the same tables at once
As a pro user, I want the enterprise gateway to update all tables across published datasets on the cloud from the same database, so that I have the flexibility to publish variable subsets of my database as self-contained unique datasets.
Allow Publishing of Datasets to Group Workspaces only to Admins and not Members
Even a member of a group workspace can publish the dataset. We need to be able to limit the publishing to group workspaces only to Admins. Thanks, Fahd
List all broken reports or dashboard due to a dataset publish
As an admin, I would like to be able to identify broken reports as quickly as possible due to a dataset publish, so that I can quickly fix them and not sift through one by one.
We would like the ability to replicate reports from one group workspace to another
We have 2 group workspaces (Staging and Production) that help with our deployment process. Often time, reports are being created on the cloud, hence they do not exist on pbix file. If we introduce breaking changes, we fix both environments which is time consuming. The enhancement will be to repli...