Fahd EL YOUBI on 03 Jun 2016 20:26:30
As a pro user,
I want the enterprise gateway to support increment updates
so that my yuge datasets be updated quickly and more efficiently.
- Comments (1)
RE: Add Incremental Updates to Enterprise Gateway
This must be one of the biggest challenges in the big data realm. There are updates and inserts. While the former is a lot more challenging to achieve, the latter seems to be straightforward. What if, we can set up the type of refresh per table in a dataset?
To put this into a context, I have a table (Marketing_Email with Millions of records) that I know I perform an incremental ETL job using only insert, would it be great if I can tell the gateway, just refresh the Marketing_Email by inserting only using some kind of indicator (Key, Datetime, etc...)?
It would definitely save us hours worth refresh time.