Hi It would be great if there where an integration with microsoft bookings, to see how many bookings that had occured the last month/week and see trending.
Connecting to the software Tagetik on a high level would be required. So far one has to connect on a SQL database level accessing the raw SQL tables / views and the data within. It is necessary either to logically prepare the data using for example SSAS or to implement everything within Power BI ...
Any applied filter should be highlighted to show which filter is applied to avoid confusion & time to search which filter we have applied in order to redo the action. It is particularly useful when we are dealing with lot of filters for slicing & dicing the data
I am having problem that Power BI is treating the matrix 'rows' like 'freeze panes' in Excel. i.e. all the variables you put into the 'rows' (which actually become columns in your matrix) are fixed and not scrollable because they are frozen.
Online version allows to print reports which is great. But it would be even better to have the possibility to "hide" slicers from printing. It may be a settings in slicers directly or for the whole page.
The following problems occurs when using the "Top N" functionality together with other filterings. The TOP N functionality is not the last in the sequence of applying the filter. TOP N should be the last, or the order in which they are shown, top to bottom should be the order of applying the filt...
Can we please add a thicker horizontal scrollbar to the fields list and visualizations on the right of the desktop? Its very annoying to not see the scroll bar or to drag it with the mouse when it is so thin. Also I end up dragging fields instead onto others and that creates a hierarchy that i ...
Enter a SQL Query by connecting to a .sql file instead of explicitly typing the SQL. This option would allow a developer the ability to maintain their SQL code in one place (instead of in Power Query and in the .sql file). Currently, it is possible to point to a .sql file and upload, but this...
We have facing a issue when our sales reps are out of office visinting our customers. They need filter some reports when there is no connection in some places. The offiline capabilites is already release but filter and slices feature not yet. Is there any way to make offline data filtering? SSRS?
Allow users to uplaod a Excel files with a table of 3 columns Measure Name Formula Measure Description (Optional) This way all the measures can be define off line and uploaded in one go in to the Datamodel in a dedicated measures Table called "M"