Please make it possible to password protect tabs and hide them.
I'm looking for full paragraph direction controls, not just right justify text boxes and titles. For example, for text in a table i need to be able to right justify, and for all labels I want to be able to set paragraph direction as right to left.
To do Pareto analysis of data you need to use RankX, Create a cumulative sum of the list (TopN), then divide the cumulative sum at the row by the grand total of the column. the resulting output is the % the running sum is of the grand total. From there you filter to show top x%. However, couldn'...
Qlik supports conditional dimensions. For example, the user can click a dropdown on top of the first column in a table and select another field. This binds the first column of the table to the selected field. So, instead of having a bunch of tables to show sales by product category, product, cust...
Make permissions based on individual tabs within the PBIX model, not just row level security. For example, sometimes row level security is either too complicated or won't work when deciding which users see what data, so it may be easier to have the option to let users see data by tab.
It would be nice to have the possibility to use a visual as report level filters. For example a map that show all countries where a company is represented. If you click on one country all pages in the report are filtered to that country. Nowadays you have to create that visual in all pages of the...
When you are displaying a report of dashboard on TV Mode for long periods of time, it would be good if the visuals could also refresh in this mode. Currently, you have to exit TV Mode to refresh and then hop back in. Personally, i feel this defeats the objective of running live data. Thanks
Currently you can choose to sort based on another column, such as sorting a month name by the month number. However, this option does not exist in direct query mode. Please extend this functionality to direct query mode.
When using the standard Power BI Scatter Chart visualization, you can click on data points in the chart or in the legend to filter other visualizations that are in a given report. Unfortunately, you are not able to use the play axis for this type of filtering/interaction. There was a forum post...