This, I think is a tough one to add, but it would be really nice to have support for writeback functionality of SSAS. Just like Excel.
When a filter is added to the I-Frame url when embedding a report, this field value is dynamically added to the filter panel. An obvious use of a URL filter field is to constrain the dataset on a per user basis and when the field is visible in the filter panel , then this constraint can be remov...
Cards on dashboard change color dependent on certain KPI values, e.g. card is green for value 10% but red for value -10%
When using a on premises service to push data to Power BI it would be very helpful to have an option to get rid of old data. Therefore an option to delete a subset of the rows (for example: where timestamp > 24h) would be awesome!
A major part of every business' reporting is to report on financial figures. Would be great to have a sample for that
The description of the fields need to be available in mouse over and / or via Q&A. So that users will know exactly what they are looking into without the need to going through a separate Data Dictionary.
this would be very helpful...I use Infopath forms to collect important data.
It would be very helpful if the Power BI service could provide some notification when any gateways is down or offline. Via email notification to the gateway administrators and/or a notification to the notification center in the Power BI service. This would help gateway administrators identify une...
Currently dashboard tiles are around 390 x 265 px. We need to have smaller tiles so that we can pin just numbers, without having it take up so much real estate. Sort of what like Datazen allows you to do where it formats a graph for a really small tile, and allows us to have a bit more control.