Friends, sometimes we have so many filters in the reports that the area for the charts is small. For these cases you could have the option of hiding the filters on a tab, for example. What do you think?
Each visualization is encapsulated in a frame that has a Header that allows to "Pin to Dashboard","Focus Mode","More options". This Header is cumbersome in a lot of situations. An excelent improvement would be to remove this Header and whenyou select the frame itself you would get a side menu wi...
Excel can display axis values in reverse order. Power BI should be able to as well. Very useful for doing reverse cost curves on cumulative cost analysis
There is no legend functionality for the Shaped Map visual. Seems pretty standard to add that to all maps that show data. For example, I created a shaped map that is color saturated by Revenue however I can not tell the report viewer what color is high revenue versus low.
Do we have following options for passing parameters within PowerBI: * What options are available to us if we want to pass paramaters between reports? * Can we pass between tabs on the same report? > * Can we pass between separate & unlinked reports? > * Can we have a 'fixed' parameter that is p...
Many companies have, or want to have, their data models in SSAS. As of today they are not able to use these if they want to share information to the public through PowerBI. In some countries govermental institutions have to share public information and the possibility to use SSAS Connection wou...
It would be helpful to get an option to debug the steps in power query. When I am working with large datasets power query is processing data smoothly until I apply a step inadvertently resulting in it slowing down, extremely slow like it would take 15-20 mins to refresh the query which was taking...
I’d like to see a bolding option (icon) added to the Column and Row headers (in the Format options in the Visualisations panel). Without a bolding option, (depending on the colour used for conditional formatting when available), column and row headers on tables and matrix's in particular could di...
Embedd Power BI report in CRM Online where Power BI report data will change as per data is chosen in CRM online E.g.: - if choose one employee (accountmanager) it shows the data (dashboard / report) detaining to that employee (accountmanager) if choose a customer it shows the data (dashboard ...
Have 2 alternative and optional names for a measure 1) a natural language alternative name and 2) a short display name. In a large model measures necessarily have detailed and precise names to differentiate them. This means they do not respond well to natural language Q&A and they visualizations ...