This is a big gap because you can not print a formatted report from PowerBi. You can only print the current page which is basically useless for reports with Matrix/Tables. Adding the ability to export to Excel the data as it is formatted in a Matrix would allow end users to perform further anal...
When I export to powerpoint, if my chart has a scroll bar in Power BI (i.e. its a long table that doesn't fit on the page) then this remains in ppt but I cannot scroll meaning I lose a lot of the data, Power BI should export the whole table and allow for resizing
The new Numeric Slicer is a great addition, but there is a small issue with it that I'd like to see addressed if possible. I have set up a table with discrete values which I am using as a basis for the slicer. In this particular case, it's a table of percentages from 0 to 0.02 in 0.0001 incremen...
It would be nice to have the ability to have a slicer always on top of a bar graph. for instance, a linear bar graph where the highest value in on the left and the lowest values are on the right. The ability to place a slicer above the right side of the data where the values aren't as high woul...
The 'alerts' functionality in the Power BI service let's users set an 'alerts' based on a threshold. When using a KPI the target value is copied as the default threshold but when the target changes, the threshold will not be adjusted. In a scenario where you would use a YTD value to compare to...
I need the possibility to analyse (TFS) custom made work item types in Power BI. Today I only see Epics, Features, User stories and tasks. I have created a new type (spike) but I cant see that type in the Work Item table in BI. Is it possible to get this information in BI?
We recently did a poc on Power BI but reach an dangerous limit of RLS feature. As we manage data from 2 organisations, we have 3 kind of user : User with access to org A; User with access to org B; User with access to both; For now, we created a dataset using RLS to filter out the (confidential...
In Data Colors, I would like to be able to select color from a continuous scale, rather than discrete set of colors. This would work for ordinal columns (numeric and date data types). Perhaps this is more complicated because it means mapping a column onto an aesthetic, so really Color should be ...
Make it possible to pass parameters in on the command line in addition to the pbix filename. This would allow desktop applications to open a specific pbit/pbix and set, for example, a parameter that is used in the datasource. eg: PBIDesktop.exe MyReport.pbix MyReportTemplate.pbix MyCustomParamet...
Examples: set Reference Line from a data field value (In PBI Desktop July you now call it Constant Line). set a color to a line or bar chart when a threshold is crossed Set title value of a chart from data.