Hi,Please make the Power BI visuals Loading Spinner Icon customizable, or just make it more visible.Now it is unuseable...<span style="color: rgb(50, ...
I would like to see security groups also supported in the email subscription for Power BI service reports and dashboards.
We do not have any activity to check if security group is removed from a workspace within audit logs. Can we add the security group removed from a workspace activity within the audit logs.
We would like to be able to remove the "NA" label from the Purview Hub of the Power BI service.
Develop Get Data Connector for Accounting.BI - https://accounting.bi/
Idea :When "Show item with no data" is activated, display URL formatting for rows without data if the URL and the other column are in the same table. Business problem :The URL formatting is disabled on empty rows when we activate "Show item with no data"...
We should have a comprehensive usage metrics report for the dashboards to analyze the usage of all organization's dashboards. Additionally, it would be beneficial to extend the duration of the usage metrics report to at least 60 days, instead of the current 3...
We already have a consolidated usage metrics for report and workspace level which we can export too. We can see the usage metrics for the tenant level which is not similar to workspace level metrics. Similarly, we need the tenant level metrics for all the workspaces which need to be exported. ...
Allow users to check whether they want the expansion in Matrix to go Up or Down.
Dataflows execute the query below in the background to get metadata related to the SQL server content. This query is not editable to Power BI administrators or pro users. The statement is executed without a nolock hint and this can cause dataflows to fail if there is a header blo...