We currently use SSRS reports which are wrapped in a web template. The report has multiple related parameters. In this web template we can select Parameter A and it will reload the list of Parameter B and so on. Is this possible in Power BI Desktop, service, Templates, Embedded etc. Thanks in...
When using a categorical axis on a line chart, a scrollbar appears with large values which cannot be resized to fit within the visual without scrolling. Basic functionality that should be included as a continuous axis is not always a good alternative.
Power BI should have the basic formatting options that excel has when it comes to tables and matrices. For example, simply being able to align column headers and values to the centre of the cell. Moreover, you should be able to change the colours of specific cells, or highlight cells like you can...
Right now you can look at usage at the Admin Portal level (which gives little good info), individually on a report, and if you have the ability by downloading audit log info from O365 and manually creating a report. Why can't we connect to usage info as a content pack to create our own reports? ...
Being able to pick which line to forecast or forecast multiple lines on a line chart would be very nice.
Would love to have an AND option for the Relative Date filter. Example - Is in the last 1 month AND in Is in the next 1 month - which would result in 2 months data with current date in the middle.
Allow multiple start dates and duration per task line. The end result simulates a chart recorder. Allows to see relationships between tasks over time.
Currently PowerBI only supports import mode for DocumentDB / CosmosDB. Would be great to support DirectQuery mode or have another possible to update reports - e.g. by schedule.
Any visual that allows you to have a dual axis should also let you synchronize the axis. For instance if I'm showing visits and distinct patients per month it looks really odd. The patient count is lower than the visit count but the patient count shows up higher on the chart because the axis is n...