It would be great to have Hierarchical Slicers- for example, instead of having an individual slicer for YEAR, QUARTER, and MONTH on a report, if there was one DATE slicer that you could select the year, month and quarter all in one.
When deleting an App Workspace from Power BI, the user should be prompted that it will delete the Group as well. It is the case when you delete a Planner. Since it was not mentioned we deleted few sites by mistake. Fortunately there is a PowerShell cmdlet to restore them but it would have been ...
My date slider slicer populates correctly when I use the "Between" option. The oldest and newest dates populate the two boxes based on the data. However, when I use a different slicer (e.g. Geography) to filter the records, the date slider slicer doesn't update the oldest and newest dates tha...
Please provide the ability for me to choose how I want to see the data in Power BI - by ORIGINAL column order or alphabetic. It would be great to have the ability to switch between the two. There might be another sort order that I have not thought of so having a CUSTOM sort would be ideal. Lookin...
As a user I would like to be able to select my preferred values in the page slicers and have these pre-filled the next time i connect to the Report Server and launch the same report.
PowerBI server is a fantastic product and it has excellent value, but the price entry is very high for SME. we would like to have more options to buy entry level capacity than scale from there, Come on Microsoft, a more elastic pricing to cater for all the segments of the market, as right now on...
Nice if we have a description box for Calculated Columns & Measures.
Allow any column in a report that is tagged as a web URL to be clickable. Currently only specific types of URL are allowed (https, http, file, mailto). We would like users reading from the dashboard/report to click on a record/link that opens up into our own program.
Currently we are developing a dashboard using SQL server. We are using stored procedures and parameters needed to be passed to this SP from user. user can give any input's and based on the input given, SP needs to fetch data from SQL server and data set will be created and then we can work on ...
First off, the Power BI Usage Metrics are a great start! I think that enabling "Download Report" for the Usage Reports would be very helpful so we can create custom columns. Second having some sort of cross-workspace usage metrics would be nice as well, for your Power BI Champion type role to kee...