Customize Waterfall chart like renaming "Total". Custom visual is available however with developers URL and poor graphics. Kindly include features of Ultimate Waterfall chart in Regular Waterfall visual Please support this idea.
On a line a chart, when forecast analytic is added and data label are displayed the data are not displayed on the forecast line. It would be very great to see them as well and see directly forecast figures.
Visuals needs to be more flexible when it comes to styling/customization. For example: Axis lables/chart title: These are either hardcoded by a column from the dataset or set as a static text Min/max axis value: Set automatically depending on value or set as a static text Styling/colors: Same as...
A connection with teamwork would be very usefull!
I have noticed that Power BI does not seem to be WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) because although my cartesian coordinates state that all of my slicers should be perfectly matched up, visually they do not all look evenly sized and distributed when the Visualization and Field panels are hid...
Ability of powerbi to add dynamic coloumn header in Table same as we use in titles.For example i want to add SF and SM in same coloumn header .i.e Area(SM)Or Area(SF) depending upon the selection of user
Right now, 'alerts' emails can only be sent to a sender. Would be much better to be able to choose who to send them too (for example, a email-list or a team alias)
Failover is not available with the current Enterprise Gateway, this make it challenging when we want to use EntGW in scale. High Availability critical aspect for company whom want to adopt PBI as enterprise solution. Please consider.
As a pro user, I want the enterprise gateway to support increment updates so that my yuge datasets be updated quickly and more efficiently.
please add difference percentage of previous year. or previous and next, is an excel