I would be happy if I could change the layout of the slicer search box. -The display size of the search box can be changed. -You can change the size of the characters entered in the search. -Character color can also be selected.
B2B users, set up as Contributors to a workspace, are unable to replace a report with an updated version. Contributors do not have access to modify a dataset, which is required when republishing a report with a modified version. The contributor role should include data set replacement privilege...
Thanks for adding the support of Essbase connector on desktop. it would be great if you can enable the publishing to on premise server also.
I would like to see the ability to center a table inside of its container. I have several reports where a table is under or on top of another visual and it would make the report look nicer if it was actually centered with the other visual. Please see my post on the community forum for more info...
Please Power BI Filks, Add the OneDrive and SharePoint connections as option to Open my PBIX Files http://go.helpbi.com/add_the_onedrive_sharepoint_to_pbi
If we trigger a dataset refresh using the Power BI REST API, and that refresh fails, we need a way to send the email notification to many users. Like described here: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/sending-refresh-notifications-to-others/
I'd like to remove Latitude and Longitude as default in the map tooltip, as I don't need to show it to my user.
allow adjust less than 20 in minimum category witdth in X-axis
Currenty it seems like all texts in a PBIX file are defined as LTR. It will be very useful to have the control over the Text Direction property. It will be really great to have this control dynamicly - Let's say there's a multi-language report where the X axis on a bar chart has company names in...