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Data Catalog integration in PowerBI Designer

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Ron Pooters on 20 Dec 2014 03:25:40

The Power BI Desktopis missing integration with the Data Catalog and there is no online search functionality. The data catalog is a core component of the reporting solution so let me use it with the Power BI Designer

Administrator on 20 Aug 2020 01:24:05

Checking w/ the team where this is at.

Comments (69)
Ron Pooters's profile image Profile Picture

Nick Fornicola on 10 Jan 2023 14:59:54

RE: Data Catalog integration in PowerBI Designer

Please implement this!!!!

Ron Pooters's profile image Profile Picture

Janna Kiseeva on 28 Mar 2022 15:53:10

RE: Data Catalog integration in PowerBI Designer

Are there any updates regarding the integration of the Azure Data Catalog with PowerBI? If not, what are some alternative data modeling tools that ARE integrated with PowerBI?

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Pardon Chawatama on 28 Aug 2021 20:28:41

RE: Data Catalog integration in PowerBI Designer

Where are we with this

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Martin K on 21 Apr 2021 14:32:41

RE: Data Catalog integration in PowerBI Designer

In my opinion Azure Purview is a good direction to go.

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Luis Montealegre on 10 Sep 2020 14:02:04

RE: Data Catalog integration in PowerBI Designer

The capability for PowerBi Designer to gain access (data source) to the Data Catalog will make life for me and my company so much better. This is a feature that will be greatly appreciated and is urgently needed.
Thank you.

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Power-BI-Integrator on 16 Aug 2020 04:16:36

RE: Data Catalog integration in PowerBI Designer

If Power BI is REALLY envisioned as an Enterprise BI (especially Self-BI) Tool this feature is a MUST, i.e. there has to be a way to create & maintain a centralized Data Catalog and be able to discover, consume the data but also the semantic information/description of the entities & attributes.
Best way would probably be via Dataflows (which are strongly recommended by Microsoft for centralized data ingestion and “ETL”) and if done this way we could leverage on the Azure DataLake Gen2/CDM functionality?
Is there any answer or roadmap from Microsoft available yet?

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Daragh Fitzpatrick on 16 Aug 2020 04:15:48

RE: Data Catalog integration in PowerBI Designer

tick-tock - any news @CharlesSterling?

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:15:35

RE: Data Catalog integration in PowerBI Designer

This is exactly the functionality we need to make our Data Warehouse easier to use for non IT users and new hires

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simon opper on 16 Aug 2020 04:14:28

RE: Data Catalog integration in PowerBI Designer

I've come from other tools that put metadata management at the forefront of their enterprise value proposition ( RDF, linked data, master data management)..... the fact that this issue is 4 years old with no response shows to the me that MS is more interested in sales of products than addressing the costs that it's products create through lacking data governance ! It espouses to be an enterrpise tool to unleash data..... when in fact it enforces a set of disconnected workflows which are almost ensured to create chaos in data when data is exposed to SME consumers through Power BI.

This feature combined with the ability to ingest, register, orchestrate, migrate, proppigate and administer metadata about models, schema, data transformations and apply controlled bussiness glossaries and taxonomies are the minimum for good governance. Come on MS !

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:10:16

RE: Data Catalog integration in PowerBI Designer

Hello, is there any update on this idea?