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Support GitHub in the git integration for workspaces

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Daniel Jimenez Garcia's profile image

Daniel Jimenez Garcia on 19 Jun 2023 13:35:24

Currently only git repos in Azure Devops are supported as part of the git integration for workspaces, see

Given we use Github for all our other repos and we would like to keep all repos in Github, we would need Fabric to support Github as well.

Administrator on 24 Jul 2024 12:02:06

We're thrilled to share that GitHub is now fully supported with Fabric Git integration! Read the full update here.

Comments (13)
Daniel Jimenez Garcia's profile image Profile Picture

T P on 24 Jul 2024 11:50:15

RE: Support GitHub in the git integration for workspaces

Available in preview-

Daniel Jimenez Garcia's profile image Profile Picture

Jonathan Boarman on 23 May 2024 18:41:22

RE: Support GitHub in the git integration for workspaces

This is on the public roadmap, with an estimated release timeline: Q3 2024.

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Jonathan Boarman on 02 May 2024 00:15:30

RE: Support GitHub in the git integration for workspaces

This is really strange to see that Microsoft doesn't support its own mainstream git provider, which happens to be the main place to find docs on Fabric!

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Joshua Christian on 15 Apr 2024 09:41:03

RE: Support GitHub in the git integration for workspaces

Dear Team ,Any update on when Git~Hub integration would be available ? Thanks in advance

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Lee Whieldon on 25 Mar 2024 18:18:50

RE: Support GitHub in the git integration for workspaces

When will GitHub configuration be available? Would like a timeline. Thank you.

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Gary Holland on 04 Mar 2024 05:41:07

RE: Support GitHub in the git integration for workspaces

Fabric Git integration really should have been completed prior to announcing GA as development teams cannot operate without being able to move semantic models & reports between workspaces. Fabric really is unusable for enterprise until git, or some other deployment feature is added.For example, when currently building a semantic model from a lakehouse, there is no option to export, no option to move from a dev to prod workspace. So, if we deploy a report to 100's of our users, the only way to make modifications is to update the semantic model and break the production reports while we are doing this. I hope you can understand this is not something we can do, and as I said Fabric unusable for production environments without it.

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Benjamin Schenk on 09 Jan 2024 14:44:20

RE: Support GitHub in the git integration for workspaces

The GitHub integration is also very much needed from our side. It would be good to get an approximate timeline to get an estimate

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Kelly McDowell on 02 Jan 2024 19:55:37

RE: Support GitHub in the git integration for workspaces

This is an important feature for any organization that uses GitHub and not AzureDevOps. Is there a projected delivery date for this capability? The only thing I have found on the published roadmaps deals with Git Integration for AzureDevOps with no mention of GitHub (a Microsoft Offering just like AzureDevOps)

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Gibby Gibby on 11 Dec 2023 19:23:01

RE: Support GitHub in the git integration for workspaces

Kickstand is tonight?

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Martin Riddar on 03 Oct 2023 10:27:18

RE: Support GitHub in the git integration for workspaces

I would like to add that it should preferably not be limited to github if possible. We, for example, use gitlab and are in the same position that we want to stay with our current solution.