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Microsoft Idea

Power BI


Create multiple apps from same workspace

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Power BI User on 30 May 2017 13:51:33

Create multiple apps from same workspace infect from same Dataset without replicating the dataset multiple times. only option we have now is to update the app and only one app per workspace can be created which a kind of restrict the workspace usability. If we can create multiple apps share it with different users without creating multiple workspace ... means same dataset no dataset replication, will save the storage as well.

Administrator on 03 May 2024 04:08:38

May 2024 update: We are working on creating a separate app as an artifact which will release in the coming months. thank you all for the feedback.
March 2022 update: we plan to have a private preview soon and hopefully release to the public in July

Comments (322)
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Rajeev Soni on 16 Aug 2020 04:13:27

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

We need multiple Apps in the same workspace. The workspace is an area that multiple developers can use and collaborate. I have a list of 5 reports that I want to share with a Commercial audience. Another developer has a list of 4 reports that he/she wants to share with a Retail audience. Most of our datasets are already the same, we just have different fields or filters for parts of our reports.

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Chris on 16 Aug 2020 04:13:26

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

I concur with the others who have also commented. I would like the ability to have multiple app instances per workspace. Some groups need specific reports, and some do not.

Please provide real examples of discovering or sharing datasets across workspaces. Without seeing how it will work, we have no way of knowing if this resolves our issue.

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MK on 16 Aug 2020 04:12:44

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

"discover and use a dataset across workspaces" is not the same as the "create multiple apps from same workspace". These are two different issues. I am also trying to figure out how to have my set of reports packaged differently and put in a new app that I can share with a different user group. I do not want to make copies of the reports in another workspace to be able to to this.

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Michelle on 16 Aug 2020 04:12:35

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

I agree that being able to "discover and use a dataset across workspaces" is not going to solve this problem. We want to have a single, standard report that can be published into multiple apps that are specific to a business area. Each business area can choose which of the standard reports they want to see in their default dashboard.

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Dewald Meyer on 16 Aug 2020 04:12:21

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

I do not think that this was thought about by Microsoft....
This function IS needed and will have a huge impact on re work and multiple workspaces

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:12:12

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

This should definitely be there. We have multiple set of users and ideally we would want each set of users to have their own app. Supposing we have 30 different user groups , if each of them starts adding their own content to the app then its a mess for everyone. Also just imagine if we have to create 30 workspaces if we don't have multiple apps supported.

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Power BI User on 16 Aug 2020 04:12:01

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

any idea on when the functionality will be available on using a dataset across workspaces?

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Anonymous on 16 Aug 2020 04:12:01

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

Sometimes you are working on Power BI and you come across something that seems so obvious that you are suprised that it is not in the program. This is one of those things. Yes there is row level security and yes there are multiple ways to manage permissions. However, the easiest way to rationalize about what is share to whom is by creating packages of charts (for example Apps) and creating an app for a specific group of users. Usually this is all based on the same data. Creatng multiple apps from the same workspace is something that is easy and intuitive to use. It just makes sense. Please add this to a future release. Overall the authorization capabilites of Power BI need to improve big time. All solutions to authorization currently are too hacky for my taste.

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dewald on 16 Aug 2020 04:11:45

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

Sorry about this but I don't understand how the dataset across workspaces fixes the problem...
We currently have different groups per workspace that we cannot throw together due to the fact that they see some of the same reports and some are different

We would want 1 workspace with all reports and then add reports to the app, thus you will only see the 6 or 7 reports you are linked to, not all 40 in that workspace

Do not see how dataset across workspaces will solve this....

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Graham on 16 Aug 2020 04:11:43

RE: Create multiple apps from same workspace

Discovering datasets across workspaces is not going to cut it. We don't want to have to maintain the same reports in multiple workspaces just so the workspaces can be aligned with the many groups we have in our businesses. E.g. We would like to have different dashboards, in the same workspace, released to separate groups and which access different visualisations of the same reports. Please consider more seriously what your customers are asking for rather than trying for an easier solution which might solve part of the problem for some of the us.

Merged Idea (4)