Hi, Currently, there is an invert axes function in the Line and Clustered Column Chart, but only on the first Y-axis (column). Please consider adding this functionality to the second y-axis as well. Best, JP
I want to delete the obsolete data sources which is visible in view lineage in dataflows Power BI Service. Its not deleting the old source of the file in data flow. It would be of great use if there can be an option to delete those unused data sources that appears in lineage for a better und...
As of now, ArcGIS extension for PowerBI only carries over the symbology of a given reference layer, NOT the labels or popups. Please add the capability to maintain configured labels and pop-ups (the attributes and information displayed when you click on a feature) from reference ...
Currently, when a scheduled refresh fails, the displayed error message doesn't go into detail about the problem. In particular, in a dataset with multiple data sources, it's impossible to know which of the data sources failed. The error dialog displays a request ID and activ...
Would like the ability to disable the My Workspace section for users when the company has purchased Premium Nodes. Not being able to block users from saving to a shared non BYOK encrypted Workspace is limiting take up of the service in many financial companies.
as per the document After two months of inactivity, scheduled refresh on your dataset is paused. Is the default two (2) months of inactivity to pause the refresh something that can be customized? It would be best if the default was six (6) months, that would allow all quarterly reports to be alwa...
It would be great to have native support in Power BI for Delta Lake as that could make it easier to import data without passing through other components.
Hi, It will be great idea if we can disable right click custom below options at visual level Show as a table -> On or Off Include -> On or Off Exclude -> On or Off Drill Through -> On or Off Copy -> On or Off Analyze -> On or Off
Good morning, An issue arose where we had ownership change of a workspace/pipeline in premium capacity and we could not access the pipeline which we know existed due to the workspace being in the development stage. As a Power BI admin, it would be great if we could access all pipelines in our...
Hi, Can we have option to hide the complete filter pane at page level Thanks, K Raghavender Rao