Currently to publish a workspace as App is manual. We can automate publishing of reports to workspace but updating the app requires manual work. It would be great to have full automation of report publishing to workspace and app update.
Many people need to send out subscriptions multiple times in a single day. To have subscriptions sent out after a successful refresh (throughout the day), a person can either perform this manually, or schedule a refresh slightly earlier than a subscription. The second option enables automation, b...
Ability to copy/paste text into a text box for documentation purposes.
To update the documentation and explain are the metrics (below) from the JSON file exported and what is the difference between the GUI metrics (DAX query/Visual display/Other). -Report Canvas -DSE -AS -User Action -Visual Container Lifecycle -Render -Query -Data View Transform -Query Generation ...
There is currently no spellchecker on the PowerBi Desktop it would be really handy to have one to check the spelling on custom labels.
If a slicer option is selected that would cause the underlying table to filter to that value, update other slicers to show only values in the remaining set of data, post filter. I.E. slicer selection should filter the remaining slicer selection options.
Be able to @mention comments to a team or group distribution list, not just at an individual user
We're using the Exchange Online source to get stats from a big mailbox. The mail is archived on a regular basis and we would want to get the data from the archive in here too.
Power BI recently release Power BI Report Builder, a very cool additional tool to create paginated reports. Would like to request that Denodo be one of its supported data source.
It’s happening to us that when removing a user from our organization all items included into his personal workspace are lost. I think there should be a kind of recycle bin that the administrator can use to recover those files.