Need support to display visual title , graph axis title , Report content localization based on Browser locale settings.
I would like to use a Play Axis for a line chart (similar to the Play Axis for scatter chart). I want to show how a time series changes over term.
The new feature thew shows up on April Feature Summary of power bi desktop is very nice, but would be great to use a unic data set, to provide information for more than one work group. Imagine you publish a dataset, then you create various dashboards on select groups, each one with a diferent vi...
When working with SSAS tabular datasource, it is not possible to set the formatting of numbers in the matrix or matrix preview visualization. I guess the default is to display the formatting defined in the underlying cube, but sometimes you need to override that.
Currently, if you modify a dashboard tile URL to include URL filters for a report, the filter is ignored when someone clicks through the tile, leaving the user on the full unfiltered report. Now this behaviour, to go to the filtered (or sliced) report that was used to create the tile should be n...
OneDrive refresh in the Power BI Service is a fantastic method for storing and updating files in an organized fashion. It's become my default storage and update process for Power BI. However sometimes files in the OneDrive get moved around or renamed. While the refresh keeps working despite these...
If you want to group (aggregate) text, you can not, so incorporate the concatenate operator to the Group By function is good way to do it and also add a log to choose a delimiter between the text.
Allow developers to specify how many concurrent queries should be submitted by a single Power BI Embedded report. Backgrround: If a report relies on several independent direct queries, the Power BI Embedded server throttles their submission to the data source. This prevents the report from using...
Need a visual for a stacked divergent bar chart with ability to sort and display median/average values and line chart
I would like the ability to use date hierarchies when using streaming data sets. This is currently not possible with streaming data sets, which makes it very difficult to use the application. I have the field set as a date field, but it still does not allow this.