Add conditional formatting options to column header labels and chart axis titles. This would allow tables/matrix column headers and chart axis tiltes to change dynamically based on the selection made by a user in a slicer. This would be a great addition to Power BI and would provide new options ...
Power BI will let you manually size shapes down to 14 x 14. But if you try to use the Width/Height well to change size, it won't let you go below 40 if you're above, and won't let you go up from < 40 if you're below. There are very good reasons why we might want to go down to 14 or even lower, a...
Allow the ability in paginated reports to grab images from SharePoint picture libraries without the public URL being used. Would be ideal to use the user running the report or a service account to run the report on behalf of.
It's great that we can now give guests from our parent company (different Azure) Pro licenses in our Power BI tenant. Sadly the issue now is that of course they cannot publish from Power BI Desktop to our Service using their account / guest user. I see this is currently by design but we really ...
It's great that users can say click on a bar chart and have that filter the native Map visual. But there doesn't appear to be an option for cross highlighting in the native map visual. It would be real handy if a user could click on a bar series, and see the related map visually stand out, whil...
decomposition tree: support for live connections to on-prem tabular or multidimensional analysis services data sources
Set two label in one chart, example values sales in money and percent sales. Similar pie chart , but for all others chart. Primarily for 100% stacked column chart, clustered column chart and indicator chart. Definir dois rótulos em um gráfico, exemplo de valores de vendas em dinheiro e porcentag...
PowerPoint has a Design Ideas button that you click and it suggests different layouts. Would be cool to have the same thing in Power BI desktop
I have to use 'Auto' option for display units due to the amount of variation between figures when operating the filters. My problem is that visuals always show .01 bn or even .00 bn and users are stuck doing mental math to figure it out. How about some option (inside global so it applies to al...
When the theme is black, the user can not use the search function in slicer, because the text user input and background are both black. Please enable the setting for the background of search box in slicer. Thanks.