We're operating in an environment where the majority of Power BI reports are developed, deployed, managed and secured by technical resources often targeting audiences of 500 or more users. We see great value in users being able to pin report visuals to personal dashboards, but have recognized li...
First/Last is not Converting to ImageURL We can get images to show in the matrix as rows or columns but when you use it as a value it selects it by First or Last. First/Last are just seeing the column as a text instead of an ImageURL. Note: The image will show in the regular grid.
Please add the capability to select multiple values from a field while creating a Filtered Quick measure. This will help in implementing the AND/OR operations like "filtering on results of Monday and Tuesday".
For portal Administrators, the ability to control "publish Content Packs to entire organisation" by use of AAD groups rather than All On or All Off. In the same way as the 'Export Data" control can be managed.
While visuals can be filtered presenting only top 10 values or some other filtering, filters themselves can not be filtered
PLEASE!!! Make it available to signup using personal account to POWERBI.
When you use Power BI desktop a lot, it really gets anoying that the startup is very slow, even with an SSD harddisk on my notebook. Is there realy no way to improve startup time?
I would love to have some very simple visual slicers that I could put at the start of a report that a manager could interact with and have it affect a set of the visualizations across the entire report and then save that report with those selections. This way I can give the report to any manager ...
It'd be great if users could Q&A a PowerBI dashboard from the "Report" view instead of having to go to "Dashboard". Also, why not embed Q&A in PowerBI Desktop?