I want to align my text horizontally, vertically or diagonally on the x-axis in a column chart. Is this option possible to be added to the format menu?
In Slicer, can we able to add multiple slicer to avoid space consumption. Now we have can create multiple slicer but different places & sizes. This option is there in Qlickview
I would like to see an editor where I can define all of my DAX columns and measures similar to Advanced Editor for Power Query/Query Editor. Though I would like to see it with a C# scripting syntax by defining the object type, and delimiting EOL using a semicolon. Idea: column _dcMyColumn1 = I...
I am building a corporate dashboard and have an exec summary along with graphs that have data in either billions or millions. Millions shows up as 200.2M but billions shows up as 1.2bn. It should be 1.2B
I see this as a BUG. DAX function DISTINCTCOUNT considers NULL a valid value and will count it. THIS IS CONTRARY to what you would see in the SQL Database engine for COUNT ( DISTINCT ). Is there not some kind of ANSI standard on what this should be? Cross reference this Connect item conc...
Today to connect to Azure Data Lake Store requires a specific Active Directory ID which leverages an OAuth token that keeps expiring. We need support for using Service Principal Authentication to access Azure Data Lake Store.
As an administrator I would create the subscriptions for the reports and make it publicly available to the users to subscribe to it. Some reports are tied with time of generating it, so we want to make the subscription available like 08:00 morning in PDF or excel form to email, and then the user...
If I create a Text Box with a certain font size. And then I create say...a Card with the exact same text with the exact same font size, dimensions, etc. The card visualization text size is drastically bigger than the text box. I would like to see some consistency in font sizes between the objects.
The groups and settings section in the Visualizations pane where you configure a visual, are all the same shade of grey, making it extremely difficult to navigate (expand Title, Background and Border and see how difficult this to navigate). This is become more of an issue as the product is evolv...
I created the possibility to select currency in my report. Via the function FORMAT () I want to dynamicly change the format showing a $ or € sign depending on the currency selection. When using DAX Format () function the format in Power BI changes to text. Please fix this a.s.a.p. Because of ...