O365 mailboxes, DL's, MBX Size, message in/out metrics and details, etc.
The ability to 'lock' where tables are manually placed on the relationships pane would be very helpful. We have created a data model with security tables, secured dimensions, unsecured dimensions, and secured fact tables. When I lay out the tables in a specific way, the design is far more underst...
Add PowerBI connector for Microsoft Graph with oAuth authentication or another direct connector to Azure AD. Details are described at the discussion https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Issues/Error-getting-OData-from-Microsoft-Graph-Access-to-the-resource/idi-p/430087
As of now the context of drill through is set to single value. For example from a table one row value only can be passed to the drill through filter of other page. Selecting two rows and passing the values to the drill through page is not available Need to pass multiple values on single field/...
The Gantt Visual should allow greater granularity i.e. include time: Hours, Minutes, Seconds. This should be part of the axis and duration. An alternative to "Completion" could be an 'actual' input i.e. [Actual Started] and [Actual Ended]. This will show Planned v Actual in a Gantt.
The currently released usage metrics feature only keeps data for 90 days. Please increase the data retention period. FYI: the documentation for the usage metrics feature can be found here: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/powerbi-service-usage-metrics/
Row-level security enabled by roles for datasets feature released in March 2016. is great but a manual process. It should be enabled via Rest API too. That would allow synchronization of user roles with custom applications automatically.
We’ve acknowledged it and we want to do it but we don't have a timeline to share yet
It would great if we can modify/create relationships in Power BI Website. For instance, when we connect directly to an Azure Data Warehouse, there is no relationships between the tables. So having the ability to edit relationships on Power BI Online would be really good.
We are currently reviewing was of making these things happen in the Service as well.
Currently, all data sources in a Power BI report/dataset, that are not on cloud, must be available in a single Gateway to work. But if the datasources in the report are coming from different Gateways, that doesn't work. It is not possible to combine them for refresh. Say I have a Sales Report. ...