New dataset refresh frequencies: - Hourly - With the ability to state start and end time, Same time selectors e.g 00, 15, 30 Monthly - Ability to refresh certain reports each month - Selector for day of month, first day, last day
Hi, back button ony works on pages of same report as per would be good if could use back button on report when drilled through to another report via cross-report drillthrough. Thanks
It was recently learned that the Quick Access Toolbar will be removed from the next public preview of the new Power BI Desktop program using the new toolbar experience. Link to Discovery ( ) The Quick Access toolbar is needed to speed...
At the moment, there is only sending out the snapshot of the report, if it can be done by PDF format, that will be great.
When a buttons current have default states, On hover and on press states. Please add an "on action" state so that when someone selects the button with an action they can change the fill color to 60% transparency in order to show the button was selected. Right now as a work around I put a butt...
The Report Theme Designer pane would be accessible from the View tab just like the other panes (Field Properties, Bookmarks, Selection, Sync Slicers) and would allow the theme designer to easily choose the colors. font families, text sizes, etc at a granular level. Once complete, the author could...
Create a program to give free access to students of the University, this would help you to sell more, because they already know how to use this tools and they will push their use in their jobs
It would be nice if there is an option to have a scheduled export of a report to Excel. A nice to have feature would be to directly e-mail it to people so they are being notified of the latest report.
There is often a need for constant x-axis line or y-axis line which is not average or median, or anything else. Rather it is a constant which depends on the slicer applied. This is usually the case if I calculated weighted averages, and want to divide my scatter chart ot 4 quadrants. Average tr...
Customize Waterfall chart like renaming "Total". Custom visual is available however with developers URL and poor graphics. Kindly include features of Ultimate Waterfall chart in Regular Waterfall visual Please support this idea.