Feedback - Issues: 1. Grand Total (Rows) not showing 2. Column Headers ... Not Possible to change Column Width also the Auto_Size on Format Window dos not have any effect. Feedback: Requests 3. Facility to explode just one of the row categories (while leaving all others intact. At present the...
It will be nice to have the ability to add calculate columns using Rest API, similar to Measures. Currently I use lot of DAX expression to calculated columns, since you cannot add calculated column with Rest API, now I have to do all the calculation at my source (like in SQL server etc) and then...
connect to (like the recent new connector to (the current process involve querying extracted csvs which is a bit of a drag) Michael
To be more consistent it would be an improvement if measures can be used as an entry to "See records".
Include the ability to to perform statistical tests compared to a mean or a custom calculated norm using a variety of statistical tests, z-tests, t-tests, proportions tests, F-Tests etc. And then be able to show the result on the chart as Significantly Higher or lower than the Norm, Mean or Test...
Please provide support for use of a SQLite database file in OneDrive folder as a PowerBI data source supporting Refresh capability.
It would be very helpful if the Power BI service could provide some notification when any gateways is down or offline. Via email notification to the gateway administrators and/or a notification to the notification center in the Power BI service. This would help gateway administrators identify une...
Kindly help to provide a feature using which we can configure a button to export the page to either Excel/ppt or to pdf at one click. End Users complain that they do not want to click multiple links to download a report and want it to be done a the click of a button thus making it more intuitive....
Enabling one click drill down if drill down is used, otherwise one click is selector. Double click on the other hand will enable drill through. Clients usually have 0 Power BI skills, or any computer skills at all. The drilling function (down,through,levels) is not intuitive. This is a big user ...
Unlike Power BI Desktop it appears that PBI Service doesn't yet support a refresh of datasets which are invoked using customer functions. We have numerous reports that link to data held in sharepoint lists...each list has a unique name (stored against each row of data) and which needs to be eva...