It would be great to be able to add filters to the dashboard since now they are only created by anchoring from a report already made and with the filter of that report. Since the main problem is that it is somewhat confusing to see a dashboard because you can not know the month or year of the gra...
Ability to input a organizational hierarchy filter/slicer where the datasources are already defined in a database table. e.g. defined as "Parent Entity"and "Entity" so that you can do a unlimited levels within the hierarchy.
SAP Cloud for Customer (C4C) reports are limited. users need better reporting capability for reports mashing up data from C4C and ECC. Just as Microsoft created "Salesforce Sales Management" solution template, they should focus on creating the same for SAP C4C which is gaining momentum in the CRM...
Add a feature to allow charts to change colours (incl. background) based on a value. I.e. if a KPI is below target, the background or bars turn red, if above they change to green. This can either be based on last month or average
Many of these world wide data sets are being unfortunately zipped, making it impossible to automate purely via Power BI, unless Power BI could call a small unzip procedure inside, or leverage a client's existing zip tools (Winzip or 7-Zip) to auto import this data.
When a multiple pages report is published to web, the code to embed could have a variable to set the page by default
Having some variable element which works as a place holder or switch to activate different measures based on a selection made. Example: I have a plot for this switch variable over time. With a slicer or drop down selection that variable can take the values of Sales when "Sales" is selected, prof...
I want to use "xpath" to extract data from xml. or to define element I want in web query.
Good to have PowerBI views embedded into my core workflows. Can you make your view responsive?