We need the user SSO credentials to be passed through Gateway connections to Denodo Data Virtualisation layer to be able to securely federate our data/analytics report queries
Slicer should have the options for Hour/minute/second Data that is set to DATE/TIME only allows DAY as a minimum for slicer correlation.
Now we have Azure Data Lake Store as data source in Power BI Desktop which is great. But we also need acces to Azure Data Lake Analytics catalogs.
After creating a set of great measures in one report, I may want to use them in another report, but there is no way to copy measures between PBIX's (other than selecting them one at a time and copying the DAX). It would be great to be able to copy multiple measures at one time to a different report.
When using the refresh function with Power Query, the system will automatically run the queries according to their dependency in the right order. However, it prove the task difficult when using Query Folding for example, and I have to manually refresh each Query that I folded first, before refre...
Could you please add the functionality of changing the size of font for Actual and Target Value in Gauge Visualization?
When using the Matrix, it would be ideal if could provide data alignment options (ie center/left justify) for columns in the Matrix
When you import tables or views from SQL Server, the schema name is placed before the table/view name. When you import several tables/views from the same schema, this is really useless. Having the option to keep the schema name only on-demand during the import would be very useful.
When showing KPI information with Red/Yellow/Green in e.g. a matrix, it should be possible to filter on color and show only red or green values
Exporting the underlying report data would be a great bonus. Go a step beyond a simple embed and create an API to design contextual embeds that pre-filter or scope a PowerView chart based on GET parameters.