Provision of a Power BI Service integrated function that a dataflow refresh triggers the refresh of the dataset which uses the dataflow. This is already available between dataflows, please extend this to trigger also the refresh of the dataset.
If users share reports from workspaces in corporate capacity, they still get the message about the fact that the receiving user needs to have a power bi pro license. Only users with Power BI Pro will have access to this report. Recipients will have the same access as you unless row-level securi...
Oracle data import is slow. This idea was delivered long back but is still slow - Users are still updating the same idea. Logging a new one for tracking as the old one is marked completed.
I understand this is limitation of the cloud data sources that when connecting to the cloud data source, it is not possible to have multiple credentials for a single connection string. But I would like to be able to register multiple credentials. // example 1. Create schema 01, schema 02 in Az...
Please provide option to export data from all the visuals on a report in one go in different excel tabs. It will help users to extract all data at any selected filter for all visuals.
There are many Requests coming for the Data Export from Specific Table Visuals from Power BI Reports. Can Scheduling Options will be introduced where we can select the Specific table visual to be scheduled for the Excel Export to the user mailbox.
When using a time variable as a value of a chart, it can only be displayed as COUNT. I need it to show TIME (duration) in the Y axis in order to show which variable has more or less amount of time.
Most of the time when we create a matrix with huge number of columns we have to group the columns , e.g. all finance related column with Finance heading and HR related with HR heading. We can do this in excel but in Power BI no :-(
This request comes from large Vertica and Power BI joint customers. Expose additional ODBC parameters when connecting to Vertica using the Vertica named connector (For DirectQuery-based reports). Here is a example list of properties. For a full list please see Vertica's official documentation...