When connectin to a live dataset (SSAS or Power Bi dataset) it is possible to consume existing measures and to create new measures, which is great. But there is no option to see the formula behind an existing measure to look if it is correct, of it fits demand, to copy an existing measure and mak...
Ability to sort on connection. EX: sort alphabetically by name sort by connection in error (bubble to the top) sort by data source type sort by privacy level setting
Allow filters in the new filter pane to sync across report pages, like slicer are able to do.
Its great Power BI supports Python & R integration but visuals using Python & R gets created as image and Power BI filters are not applicable to it. Would be great if this functionality is available.
As an user of "Subscribe to emails" function on a Report I would like to receive my company logo and information instead of Microsoft no-reply email, Microsoft logo and address etc. There are a high level of branding value to be able to insert company logo and it looks professional to stakeholder...
We are able to access the Vertica direct connectivity mode, but not allowing us to write the required SQL code. Please help with this option asap,
When accessing power-bi data with excel, existing hierarchy filters are also usable in Excel. This does apply for manual created hierarchy filters as well as with automated hierarchy filters (e.g. in Dates). However this feature is not working as soon as you have at least one table with direct q...
There should be an Option to freeze parts of a Report page. So you are able to create a Header e.g. with a structure with links for the Report. Like with an Excel table, just with the whole Report page.
This would allow to "hide" column/row headers in a table or matrix without hiding all of the measures. Example: an image in a table: the column header would look nicer if it displayed no text rather than the name of the column ("URL_IMAGE" or something like this)
Conditional formatting to set background color to the column values in Matrix visual.